Thursday, February 1, 2007

The Joy of Blogging

This is my first foray in the blogging world, and I highly recommend it to anyone who has an interest and wants to share it. Especially (as in my case) when one doesn't get a chance to share it very often.

I have an interest in politics, especially as they relate to American foreign policy. I spent 21 years in the Air National Guard and retired just before 9-11. I wish I were still in, but that's not possible once you retire. And even if it were, I have settled in Europe and started a family. However, I am still very sympathetic to our military, and I have always been a very patriotic guy.

Unfortunately, people here don't want to talk about it unless you subscribe to their group-think and suffer from BDS. That is unless you want to be a whipping boy and suffer from an endless onslaught of cynical and ill-informed talking points gleaned from wackos like Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan, or John Kerry.

I started this blog give myself an outlet other than my long-suffering yet still sympathetic wife (god bless her).

It's like shouting in the wilderness when no one's listening. Very therapeutic.....

Part of me will be disappointed if anyone actually looks at my blog.

But to be honest, I wouldn't mind sparring with a couple of liberals. I'm a glutton for punishment.

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