Monday, February 19, 2007

Jeremy Clarkson is a Pompous Jerk

I watched the recent Top Gear segment in Alabama (linked in previous post) and I was disgusted enough to use part of my lunch hour to compose the following rant......
Jeremy Clarkson is a pompous jerk.

Anybody should be able to watch that segment and see exactly what was going on, but sadly most everyone misses the real point, because we all know exactly what everyone in Alabama is like, right? They're all ignorant, stupid, white-trash, bigoted rednecks. Everybody knows that!
Isn't it nice to feel superior to people who can be stereotyped as having lesser intellects than ourselves?

It might feel good, but it's called bigotry, and it's not nice. It says a lot more about Clarkson and Co. than about those random people he was ridiculing.

Unfortunately most people saw it and (thanks to editing that would make Michael Moore proud) thought that those dumb rednecks attacked them because they said "NASCAR Sucks", or for any of the other stupid slogans.

Those people knew exactly what those smarmy Brits were saying about them, their friends and their families. "You people down here are stupid and ignorant, so we (of superior intellect) are going to ridicule you while our camera crew captures it all on film". That's what they were saying and it was obvious even to those "rednecks" from Alabama. By the way, if you're not certain if someone's stupid, you can tell for sure by their Southern accent, right?

The Top Gear crew were run off for insulting those people personally and they fully deserved it. None of those people cared that they put "Hillary for President" on their stupid car, but that Clarkson and Co. thought those things were the height of sarcastic wit. Like poking dumb animals with a stick perhaps? They were out of order and deserved a shoeing.

Although Dubya was listed by Mr. Clarkson as the number 1 "religion" there, Kerry got 40% of the vote in Alabama, so at least 40% of the people are smart in Clarkson's eyes, right? I know, I know, it was the black people in Alabama who voted for Kerry because, as a democrat, he's black too.

Interesting too how although only a very small portion of their trip was in Alabama, that's where they chose to display their bigotry, knowing full well that Alabama is synonymous in Britain with all things stupid and American.

The "article" above by Clarkson that shows exactly what an anti-American bigot he is. It's a vicious diatribe rife with falsehoods and dripping with hatred. Read the whole thing (click on the image to get full size).

To rebut a bit of his article: 99% of the stories of violence in New Orleans turned out to be false. Street rumors fueled by a willing press who (like Mr. Clarkson) couldn't be bothered to check out the source. The many stories of charity and brotherhood, which were true by the way, just don't make good press or cement negative stereotypes. People (black and white) in all of the neighboring states opening their homes to strangers (black and white), billions of dollars in private charitable contributions, and on and on. Who cares about stuff like that? Certainly not Mr. Clarkson. And blacks weren't over represented as casualties in New Orleans, but old people were. But I don't suppose even Mr. Clarkson would accuse us stupid Americans of being "anti-old white people" though, we need to be both stupid and racist to cement his image of us.
And they didn't call in the "Marines" either, they called in the National Guard. That's one of the things the Guard is for, disaster relief. I would know, having volunteered for flood duty during the devastating Mississippi River flood while a member of the National Guard. And they didn't shoot anyone from a helicopter gunship for stealing food either. What they did do was work 18 hour days, 7 days a week saving people and providing them with security, food, water, shelter and medical attention. Only to be smeared by the superior intellect of Mr. Clarkson.

Clarkson should stick to cars and stay away from politics.

And he can shove his rabid anti-Americanism up his pompous English backside.

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