Saturday, January 27, 2007

Um kidding....

Here's one for the "that's obvious" section of the Iraq debate.

As referenced in a previous post, the symbolic, non-binding resolutions criticizing the recent troop build-up in Iraq would encourage the terrorists. Duh. Do you think? How can anyone of sound mind argue otherwise? It borders on giving aid and comfort to the enemy!

Sadly, I am afraid that congressional democrats (except Lieberman) don't care about anything but humiliating President Bush, and many republicans don't care about anything but saving their cushy jobs. I'm disgusted with the lot of 'em. To hell with the troops, to hell with the Iraqis, to hell with everyone except our do nothing selves.....

There are exceptions of course, but you don't hear about them.

General Petraeus has said it, Sec. of Defense said it, you'd think the senate would believe it. But no, partisan politics trumps all these days.....

Here are some articles about this issue:


Hugh Hewitt

Fred Barnes

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