Friday, January 26, 2007

SandyPants Berger Gets Off Easy

Not enough has been said in the media about Sandy "Sandypants" Berger and the stolen documents, so I'm going to link to a couple of stories about him. This was the National Security Advisor for heaven's sake! And he was stealing documents from the National Archives and destroying them before the 9-11 Commission could get their hands on them. Who was he trying to protect? Gee, I dunno. Himself and B.J. Clinton perhaps? The sad part is, he plea-bargained before we knew the extent of his shenanigans. He got off with a slap on the wrist (a $50,000 fine and a 3 year suspension of his security clearance). My guess is that kind of loyalty will find a place in the next President Clinton's administration. Heaven forbid...... Check out these articles:


Ann Coulter

Ronald A. Cass

Joel Mowbray

There's more out there, but you won't find much about this criminal in the MSM (mainstream media). For some reason the NYT, LA Times, and WaPost don't seem to care.....

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